
Ethiopian Parliament violates media law appointing politicians – etbaba.com

By appointing politicians to become board members of Ethiopian Media Authority, the Ethiopian Parliament on Thursday violated media law of Ethiopia that forbids members of political parties from serving as board members in media authority.

Based on the proclamation no. 1238/2021, a politician can not be a board member of media authority. Meanwhile the parliament yesterday included ruling party members such as Ambassador Redwan Hussein, state Minister at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia to become a member of the media authority. The appointed also includes active ruling party members including Ambassador Nasise Chali, who served as Minister of Tourism, and Ambassador Hassen Abdulkadir.

Opposing the violations of proclamation no. 1238/2021 by the Ethiopian parliament, media professionals in Ethiopia including Journalism professors have been opposing the violation on social media pages.
The proclamation no. 1238/2021 violated by the Ethiopian Parliament on Thursday states the following in relation to the appointment of board members of media authority in Ethiopia:

Impartiality and Independence of the Authority
1/ The Authority shall be independent and free from any interference and influence contrary to its objectives
while exercising its powers and functions.

2/ Notwithstanding the general provision of Sub-Article (1) of this Article, the Authority shall be independent and free mainly from influence from the government, political parties, the media sector it regulates, religious institutions, commercial and other social groups and institutions

Criteria for Appointing Board Members
1/ A person will qualify to be appointed to the Board if such person1/ is a citizen and permanent resident of Ethiopia;

2/ possess suitable qualifications and expertise or experience in the media sector;

3/ possesses good conduct and personality;

4/ is capable and willing to discharge duties with responsibility;

5/ had no personal direct or indirect conflicting commercial interest in the sector regulated under this Proclamation in the last 6 months
immediately preceding the appointment;

6/ is not a member or employee of a political party; and,

7/ has not been compelled to resign or been removed from government offices as a result of conviction or judicial suspension of civil rights, on account of abuse of office.

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